Helping Autochek redefine how Africans buy, sell and access automobile products


Autochek Africa




Web, iOS, Android

Introducing Autochek

Autochek is a technology company that aims to deliver digital solutions that enhances the experience of buying and selling automotive related solutions for African consumers, by creating a single marketplace for consumers’ automotive needs, from sourcing and financing to after sales support and warranties

Autochek is currently operating in Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya

The Challenge

Beyond Nigeria and across the entire west Africa, the solutions that existed to enable people to buy & sell cars as well as access general after sales and purchase services are fragmented.

The Opportunity

Autochek set out to aggregate the aforementioned services in an effort to increase automotive commerce across the continent while also providing cascading benefits for every player along the value chain.

I was tasked with executing on the above opportunity. To deliver a unique experience that would enable the average African effectively access every kind of automobile service in the most convenient way possible.

The final deliverable was a suite of 3 products. The Autochek Web app, iOS App and Android app

The Process

From the insights that were garnered from the numerous interviews that was had with the clients, it was clear that the objectives of autochek could be distilled into 3 main functionalities which were:

  • Allowing users/customers easily SELL vehicles
  • Allowing users/customers conveniently access after sales and purchase services
  • Allowing users/customers easily BUY vehicles

User Epics and User Stories

Coming from the understanding of the above, The Epics for the Autochek product were clear, what had to be done at this point was further breaking down the epics into user stories. The user stories served as the initial nuggets that helped craft the overall product design.

The Epic “Allowing users/customers easily BUY vehicles” was at the core of various business considerations for Autochek, mainly because that was one functionality that could immediately start delivering value for customers and turning in revenue for the company, building out the designs and aligning with the client so we could push for development of that epic was paramount as it was clear that delivering on that epic meant that an MVP had been delivered.

User flows

Developing the task flow was important for crystallizing the sequence of information that the user was either consuming or providing.


Upon aligning on the users intentions (epics), their stories and the specific tasks they would like to perform, I started putting together a mood board and looking through the different other products that exist today that are solving similar problems

Components Library and UI Exploration

Here, leveraging all the data at my disposal as well as clarity on visual look and feel from collating the moodboard, I got to work in first creating an atomic design component library, building buttons, accordions, sections and pages from the ground up to help maintain visual consistency and also aid in speedy explorations for design directions for the Autochek Web and Mobile apps.


Avenir - 300
Avenir - 500


Primary Colors
Secondary Colors


Icons relevant to autochek as well as the automobile industry were carefully sourced from icon libraries across the internet. In a few cases, some icons needed to be tweaked to fit with the design language.


The Illustrations used across the entire product were sourced from here


The Autochek design excercise was happening during the thick of the COVID-19 pandemic. This made it impossible to carry out the brand related photography that was required to contextualize a lot of the themes around Autocheks product offerings.

To overcome this, I sourced professionally take images from shutterstock and manipulated the a bit to achieve the images that fit the Autochek design language. Here are a few examples



UI Components

The Autochek design excercise was happening during the thick of the COVID-19 pandemic. This made it impossible to carry out the brand related photography that was required to contextualize a lot of the themes around Autocheks product offerings.

To overcome this, I sourced professionally take images from shutterstock and manipulated the a bit to achieve the images that fit the Autochek design language. Here are a few examples

The Final Product

*Unique Design Challenge

One unique design challenge I was presented with while working on the Autochek project was creating a seamless way for Nigerians to quickly find the market value of their cars, Even if they were not looking to sell at the time.

Nigeria as a country does not have a Yellow pages equivalent that helps people find the market value of their vehicles and current alternatives included either going online to look for vehicles similar to yours to glean the market value or calling a mechanic over the phone. There didnt seem to be tailor made solutions for customers.

To solve this I designed a price calculator wizard for both the Web and Mobile experiences that culmunated in feeding you the price of your vehicle.

The page layout encourages you to book an inspection to lock in the quoted price and help you eventually sell (If that is what you are looking to do)

I also designed a short (semi) walkthrough animation that shows how easy it is to “price” your car.

Results for Autochek

Since launch, the suite of Autocheck products have been able to drive the below milestones for the company.

Funding raised

$ 3.4 Million

Autochek app downloads

5000 +

Monthly active users



Testimonial Image

Everytime I get the chance, I never miss the opportunity to recommend Akolade. His process, attention to detail and work ethic is one of the best I have experienced in my 15+ years working in Product and Technology.

As far as deliverables were concerned, Akolade went above and beyond to ensure the overall quality of the Autochek product was top notch. An example of this was providing explainer videos and animations for the website and product when he suspected that users might need some hand holding.

We really appreciated his involvement in building Autochek.

Chetan Seth

CTO, Autochek Africa
Testimonial Image

I've worked with Akolade in building about 2 products and everytime, I find that i am always eager to see what he comes up with.

Akolade is not only a great product designer. He's an all round excellent human being.

Olatunji Ayodabo

Engineering Manager, Autochek Africa
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